Author = Ahmad Fakheri-Fard
Application of Cross Wavelet - Kalman Filter and GIUH Methods in Modeling of rainfall-Runoff Events

Volume 12, Issue 3, September and October 2018, Pages 744-761

Fatemeh Mohammadi; ahmad fakherifard; mohammad ali ghorbani; yaghob dinpazhoh; sedaghat shahmorad

Modeling the Four-Dimensional Joint Distribution Function of Flood Characteristics Using C-Vine Structure

Volume 10, Issue 3, July and August 2016, Pages 327-338

Maryam Shafaei; Ahmad Fakheri-Fard; Yaghoub Dinpashoh; Rasoul Mirabbasi Najafabadi

Estimation of Irrigation Water Requirement using Probability Distribution Functions (PDF ( Case study: (TriticumAestivum L.)

Volume 9, Issue 5, November and December 2015, Pages 720-730

Seyed Saber Sharifi Bonab; Amir Hossein Nazemi; Ali Ashraf Sadraddini; Ahmad Fakheri Fard; Farzin Salmasi