Author = Amir Hossein Nazemi
Simulation Numerical and Experimental Coupled Transfer Heat and Water in Porous Media Soil

Volume 11, Issue 3, September and October 2017, Pages 484-495

Ali Asghar Mirzaiee; Amir Hosein Nazemi; Seyed Ali Ashraf Ashraf Sadrdini; Reza Dalir Hasanniya

Estimation of Irrigation Water Requirement using Probability Distribution Functions (PDF ( Case study: (TriticumAestivum L.)

Volume 9, Issue 5, November and December 2015, Pages 720-730

Seyed Saber Sharifi Bonab; Amir Hossein Nazemi; Ali Ashraf Sadraddini; Ahmad Fakheri Fard; Farzin Salmasi

Application of the SIRMOD and HYDRUS-3D Models to Completely Simulate the Furrow Irrigation Process

Volume 8, Issue 3, November and December 2014, Pages 443-452

Saeid Noorabadi; Seyed Ali Ashraf Sadraddini; Amir Hossein Nazemi; Reza Delirhasannia

Hydraulic Simulation of Water Flow in Drip Irrigation Manifolds using Fluent Software

Volume 8, Issue 1, November and December 2014, Pages 153-161

Ali Ashraf Sadraddini; Amir Hossein Nazemi; Reza Delirhasnnia; Saeid Samadianfard