Green and blue water footprint assessment of livestock products (Case Study: Nayshabur)

Document Type : Original Article


PhD student of Hydroalic strucrure, Lorestan university.


More production of livestock products has been increasing pressure on water resources in the future. This study estimates the water footprint of livestock products with regard to feed each animal in Neyshabur. Results shows that to produce the equivalent of 323 tons of livestock production, about 2043 million cubic meters of water has consumed annually, which is 537 million cubic meters of blue water resources and 1506 million cubic meters of water consumption is green. Since more than 98 percent of livestock water footprint is related to the animal feed, changing in animal feed is the most important factor of livestock production water footprint. The greatest volume of the blue water footprint is related to feed original cow, sheep and chicken. The most Green water footprint was allocated to provide forage for livestock, sheep and goats. Livestock production and consumption play an important role in the depletion and pollution of scarce freshwater resources in the world, water footprint of livestock products provides information that helps us to understand the sustainable use of scarce water resources.


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