Author = Seyedmoeineddin Rezvani
Evapotranspiration and crop coefficient of greenhouse cucumber in the Hamedan region

Volume 16, Issue 5, November and December 2022, Pages 904-916

Seyedmoeineddin Rezvani; Ghasem Zarei; Hamidreza Salemi

Application of the energy balance model to predict transpiration and microclimate conditions inside the greenhouse using meteorological data

Volume 14, Issue 6, January and February 2021, Pages 2060-2074

Seyedmoeineddin Rezvani; Hamid Zare abyane; Mohsen Godarzi

Effect of different irrigation levels on yield and water use efficiency of greenhouse cucumber

Volume 14, Issue 5, January and February 2021, Pages 1527-1537

Seyedmoeineddin Rezvani; Ghasem Zarei; Hamid reza Salemi

Distribution of Transpiration and Vapour pressure deficit in a Commercial Greenhouse

Volume 13, Issue 5, November and December 2019, Pages 1191-1203

Seyedmoeineddin Rezvani; Hamid Zare abyaneh; Mohsen Godarzi